SecureFish Kenya
Exploring the role of coastal marine fish in nutrition security in Mombasa, Kenya.

Location: Mombasa, Kenya
Collaborators: Washington University in St. Louis – Brown School, University of Rhode Island, Pwani University, Egerton University, Mississippi State University
Description: The SecureFish project is exploring the potential for improving nutrition among vulnerable populations in Kenya through increased access and consumption of sustainable fish foods. Working with local Kenyan partners at Pwani University and Egerton University, we are collecting primary data from marine fishery communities and families in coastal communities near Mombasa, Kenya. The purpose of this research is to 1) identify nutritious and affordable marine fish foods that support or maintain ecosystem functioning; 2) assess the acceptability and feasibility of the fish foods for nourishing vulnerable populations of pregnant and lactating women and young children and; 3) determine the market conditions for ensuring availability, affordability, and safety of these foods.
Sponsor: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Fish Innovation Lab
Increased fish intake improves brain development in young children