The E3 Nutrition Lab at Washington University in St. Louis’s Brown School leads transdisciplinary research focused on maternal and young child nutrition in resource-poor settings to promote healthy growth and brain development.
Our team seeks to prevent undernutrition with solutions that are:
- Environmentally Sustainable
- Equitably Accessed
- Evolutionarily Appropriate
The current E3 Nutrition Lab research portfolio includes projects in Haiti, Ecuador, and East Africa where we collaborate with local partners to test innovative, transdisciplinary approaches using animal source foods, small livestock, and fisheries development. Our collaborations blend methods and technical content areas from public health nutrition, anthropology, environmental science, radiology, and infectious diseases.
Our lab adheres to several principles in our research collaborations: 1) collaborative learning in communities and with partner institutions; 2) depth of contextual research in a single place with generalizable conditions to the global level; and 3) impact-oriented research that aspires to excellence in science.