Air Quality and Nutrition in Haiti

Air Quality and Nutrition in Haiti

Investigating the air quality of Haiti and possible linkages between nutrition and air pollutant exposure in Haitian school-aged children.

Ayiti pi Djanm (“a Stronger Haiti”)

Ayiti pi Djanm (“a Stronger Haiti”)

Catalyzing the private sector to improve food and nutrition in the north and southeast of Haiti

Grandi Byen

Grandi Byen

Supporting child growth and development through integrated, responsive parenting, nutrition and hygiene.

Nutributter Supplement

Nutributter Supplement

This project evaluated the effects of Nutributter, a daily lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS), on linear growth in Haitian infants.

Nutrition and Parenting for Child Development Pilot

Nutrition and Parenting for Child Development Pilot

An innovative nutrition and parenting intervention to promote healthy growth and development among young children in an urban slum of Haiti.

Nutritional Determinants of Diarrheal Morbidity in Haitian Children

Nutritional Determinants of Diarrheal Morbidity in Haitian Children

Identifying associations between nutrition status and diarrheal morbidities among young children in Cap Haitien, Haiti.

Protecting Fisheries in Haiti

Protecting Fisheries in Haiti

A pilot study of cost trends and fish maturity in coastal communities.

Vita Mamba School Snack

Vita Mamba School Snack

This project tested the effects of Vita Mamba on anemia and anthropometry among Haitian school aged children.

Water, Metals and Nutrition in Haiti

Water, Metals and Nutrition in Haiti

A collaboration between the Public Health Program at the Brown School and the School of Engineering and Applied Science to study water quality and nutrition dimensions of sustainable development.

Ze Lekol Project

Ze Lekol Project

Exploring the contextual factors affecting use of eggs in school feeding in Cap Haitien, Haiti.